USB eMMC Test Socket Adapter is universal smart mobilephone eMMC Flash adapter, eMMC socket with usb BGA test adapter comatible with: Toshiba, Samsung, Hynix, Intel, Sandisk, and other package 4BIT, 8BIT eMMC Flash.
To meet the needs to the BGA Programming Adapter in programmer adapters markets, offer a wide range of BGA Package Programming Adapter, including: BGA153/ 169/ 162/ 221 programmer adapter, FBGA48/BGA48 adapter, EBGA64 adapter... also supply some specialized BGA programming adapters, if you have some particular needs about BGA programmer adapter, you can contact with us.
For almost MOVINAND/iNAND/EMMC memory chip:
For iPones 4/5/6 Flash memory: VBGA11P5P / VBGA134SP / LGA52P Test Socket
For Cool cell / Collpad phone: VBGA56P / VBGA221P Test Socket
For 8530 Samsung others phones: VBGA153P Test Socket
For Samsung 9100/9300/9500/NO4/mi..: VBGA169P Test Socket
For HTC / Mi / 8721 Phones: VBGA162P Test Socket
For other newer phones, smartphones and tablets, BlackBerrys: SBGA128P Test Socket, SBGA137NP Test Socket, SBGA152P Test Socket, SBGA188P / SBGA188AP / SBGA188BP Test socket, SBGA199P Test Socket, SBGA202P Test Socket, FBGA167 Test Socket.
There have many kinds of Wireless Remote frequency Tester and key programmer...
Message from www obd2cartool com,if you need BGA test socket adapter,MEMS sockets, Nand Flash socket,DDR Memory adapter or other sockets,please welcome contact with us: